Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Lesson 3: “Unto You Is Born … a Saviour”," New Testament

Purpose - To rejoice in the birth of Jesus Christ and follow the example he set in his youth, “[increasing] in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52).

What was the response of each of the following people to the birth of the Savior?

Wise Men
Inn Keeper
Angel in Fields
Herod the King

1. …traveled a great distance to find him, gave him gifts, and worshiped him. (A wise man from the east; Matthew 2:1–2, 9–11.)

Why did the “wise men from the east” seek Jesus? (See Matthew 2:1–2.)

What did they do when they found him? (See Matthew 2:11.
(Note that when they finally reached Jesus, he was a “young child,” not a newborn baby.)

What gifts can we offer to the Lord?

2. …made no room for him. (A person at an inn; Luke 2:7.)

Luke 2:1–7.

Jesus had glory with Heavenly Father “before the world was” (John 17:5). He created the heavens and the earth (Mosiah 3:8). As Jehovah, he revealed commandments and gospel truths to the prophets of the Old Testament (3 Nephi 15:2–5). Why did Jesus come to earth? (See 3 Nephi 27:13–16.)

What were the circumstances of Jesus’ birth? (See Luke 2:7.)

How did these circumstances foreshadow his mortal ministry and his atoning sacrifice?

In what ways do people today refuse to make room for the Savior in their lives?

What can we do to make room for him in our lives?

3. …Having received a witness from the Holy Ghost, took the child up in my arms and knew that I could die in peace. (Simeon; Luke 2:25–32.)

4. …After seeing him in the temple, expressed gratitude and spread the news of his birth. (Anna; Luke 2:36–38.)

How had Simeon and Anna been prepared to see the child Jesus? (See Luke 2:25–26, 37.)

How did they respond when they saw him? (See Luke 2:27–35, 38.)

What can we learn about the Savior from their prophecies?

5. …said, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.” (An angel; Luke 2:13–14.)

What did the angels say as they announced Jesus’ birth? (See Luke 2:13–14.)

How has Jesus glorified the Father?

How has he brought peace and goodwill to all people and to you personally?

How can we show our gratitude to God for the gift of his Son?

6. …went quickly to see him. (A shepherd; Luke 2:15–16.)

Luke 2:8–39.

What did the shepherds do after they saw the newborn Savior? (See Luke 2:17–18.)

What can we do to follow their example?

Think of someone with whom they can share their testimony of the Savior.

7. …was troubled and tried to kill him. (Herod; Matthew 2:3–4, 16).

Why did Herod want to find Jesus? (See Matthew 2:3–6, 13. He was troubled, and he wanted to kill Jesus.)

Why did Jesus Christ’s birth trouble the king? (See Matthew 2:2, 6. According to prophecy, Jesus would rule Israel.)

How was Jesus protected from Herod? (See Matthew 2:13–15.)

How did Joseph know when to return from Egypt? (See Matthew 2:19–23.)

Why do you think Joseph was able to receive this guidance from God?

What can today’s fathers and mothers do to be able to receive revelation concerning their families?

How has God helped you as you have sought his guidance for your family?

8. …pondered the event in my heart. (Mary; Luke 2:19.)

“But Mary kept all these things, and pondered them in her heart” (Luke 2:19)

What did Mary do after Jesus’ birth and the visit of the shepherds? (See Luke 2:19.)

What does this reveal about Mary?

Why is it important to take time to cherish and ponder sacred experiences?

As you discuss Mary’s reverent response to Jesus’ birth, invite a mother to tell about her feelings after one of her children was born.

How do you respond to the account of the Savior’s birth?

How do you respond to his life, death, atonement, and resurrection?
Scripture Discussion and Application

Please think of ways to follow the example the Savior set in his youth.

Guided by the Father, Jesus prepares in his youth for his ministry.

Luke 2:40–52

Every year Joseph and Mary and other faithful Jews celebrated the Feast of the Passover in Jerusalem. As was customary, Jesus accompanied them when he reached the age of 12 (Luke 2:41–42).

After celebrating the Passover in Jerusalem, Mary and Joseph had begun their journey back to Nazareth when they realized that 12-year-old Jesus was not with them (Luke 2:43–45). Where did they finally find him? (See Luke 2:46.)

If your parents or other loved ones did not know where you were, could they be confident that you were doing things that would please your Heavenly Father?

The Joseph Smith Translation of Luke 2:46 says that the men in the temple “were hearing [Jesus], and asking him questions.” What does this reveal about Jesus’ youth and training?

When Mary and Joseph found Jesus, Mary said to him, “Thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing” (Luke 2:48). To whom did she refer when she said “thy father”? (Joseph.)

How did Jesus respond to Mary’s concern? (See Luke 2:49.)

To whom did Jesus refer when he said “my Father’s business”? (Heavenly Father.)

What does this tell us about young Jesus’ understanding of his foreordained mission?

As a youth, how did Jesus treat Mary and Joseph? (See Luke 2:51. Even though he was the Son of God, he was subject to his mother and to Joseph.)

What can we learn from this example?

As a youth, Jesus “increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man” (Luke 2:52). In other words, he developed intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially.

What are some specific things we can do to grow intellectually, physically, spiritually, and socially?

What can we learn from Doctrine and Covenants 93:11–17 about the Savior’s development as a youth? (In his preparation to be our Redeemer, Jesus did not receive all the necessary intelligence, power, wisdom, and glory at once. He received these things “grace for grace,” a little at a time.) How does this truth apply to us? (See D&C 93:18–20.)

Rejoice in the birth of the Savior and follow the example he set in his youth.

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