Due to General Conference being held next Sunday, your next lesson will be presented on Sunday, April 11th. We are now leaving the Book of Genesis and studying Exodus.
Exodus 1–3; 5–6; 11–14
Study the following scriptures:
a. Exodus 1–3. The Israelites are made slaves by the Egyptians (1:1–14). Pharaoh orders that all sons born to the Israelites be killed (1:15–22). Moses is born and is raised by Pharaoh’s daughter (2:1–10). The Lord appears to Moses at the burning bush and calls him to deliver Israel from bondage (3:1–22).
b. Exodus 5–6. Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh to free Israel, but Pharaoh refuses and places greater burdens on the people (5:1–23). The Lord promises to fulfill the covenant he made with Abraham (6:1–8).
c. Exodus 11–13. After sending many plagues on Egypt, the Lord promises to send one more plague on them, in which the firstborn in every home will die (11:1–10). The Lord instructs Moses in the preparation of the Passover, which will protect Israel from the plague (12:1–20). The firstborn in Egypt are killed (12:29–30). Pharaoh tells Moses to take his people from Egypt, and the Israelites leave (12:31–42). Moses tells the children of Israel to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the future as a memorial of their deliverance (13:1–16). The Lord goes before the camp of Israel in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night (13:17–22).
d. Exodus 14. Pharaoh and his army pursue the Israelites (14:1–9). The people are afraid, and Moses appeals to the Lord for help (14:10–18). The Israelites cross the Red Sea on dry ground; Pharaoh’s men pursue them and are drowned (14:19–31).
• At the Last Supper, the Savior instituted the sacrament in place of the Passover (Matthew 26:19, 26–28). What similarities are there between the Passover and the sacrament? (See Exodus 12:14; 13:9–10; D&C 20:75–79.)
• What did Moses tell the children of Israel when they saw Pharaoh’s army and their faith faltered? (See Exodus 14:13–14.) How can we develop faith strong enough to sustain us when we are filled with fear?
• How did the Lord save the children of Israel from the advancing Egyptian army? (See Exodus 14:21–31.) How can this story help us in times of trial?
Additional reading: Exodus 4; 7–10; 15.
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